Early announcement 6th International Amsterdam Multilevel Conference 2007
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Joop Hox
2006-09-25 07:38:43 UTC
Dear List

On April 16+17 2007 we will have the 6th International Amsterdam Multilevel Conference. The course associated with the conference will be a course on multilevel modeling using Mplus on Sunday April 15. We are currently working on the conference website, which we expect to be up arouind October 16.

The organizers

Joop Hox
Cora Maas

Joop Hox homepage at www.geocities.com/joophox

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Joop Hox
2006-10-04 09:57:59 UTC
For some reason my university account was rejected by Semnet, so I had to resubscribe using my yahoo account. Since then, this account has been swamped with spam. I know about the post hoc propter hoc fallacy, but this does suggest that the Semnet address list is hacked and being used by spammers. I assume the BAMA listserver is protected, so may I respectfully suggest that everybody on this list gets some kind of virus & spyware checker on ther computer?

Spamfully yours, Joop Hox

Joop Hox homepage at www.geocities.com/joophox

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